iPhone is 5 today
We all know iPhone. It turns 5 today.
There is a incident that I had almost forgotten until I read this post Touched by greatness: The iPhone years by Om Malik of GigaOm.com and I quote
It has been five years since Apple and the dearly departed Steve Jobs introduced us to arguably one of the more revolutionary devices ever, the iPhone. And as Tomi T. Ahonen put it, the history of mobile industry will always be divided into two eras — before the iPhone era and after the iPhone era.
On this whole iPhone frenzy, the then head of Yahoo! India had down his views on it in his blog in the June of 2007 here. What struck me then was how he dimmissed the iPhone and used ‘they are smoking pot’ to describe the people who were facinated by it. I than commented on the post…
Rohit N
Jul 2nd, 2007 at 1:31 pm
Revolutionary or not, but you have to give it to Steve for the creation of this ‘frenzy’. Such levels of media coverage are a dream for any product launch. And knowing Apple and from the initial reviews of the iPhone, they are more likely to deliver on the promises.I personally think iPhone will set new standards on user experience with a Smartphone.
And let me say this, iPod was not the first portable mp3 player. There were the Nomads and Rios. And look where iPod is at today. iPod didn’t do anything different than these other mp3 players, what it had was killer looks and an intuitive UI.
And I do think this is going to be a “before iPhone” and “after iPhone” era, atleast for the SmartPhones. I am sure we have seen the last of those ‘QWERTY’ keypads on the Blackberrys’ and Nokias’. And I am not smoking pot
And I leave it at that for you…
Happy 5th Birthday you sexy thing!